Support us
Dunster Festival is a registered charity. The support of individuals and local businesses helps us to provide a wide range of educational and outreach projects in the community, as well as allowing us to present a varied and exciting programme of accessibly-priced Festival events.
As a guide:
£250 will allow us to offer 25 free tickets for Festival events to children and young people
£500 will pay for a workshop with Festival musicians in a local school or care home
£1000 will help to pay for local children to participate in a Festival concert, performing side by side with professional musicians – a potentially life-changing opportunity

Tithe barn friends
£100+ per year
Priority booking for Festival tickets
Free Festival Programme
Invitation to an exclusive Friends’ drinks reception with the Festival Directors and Trustees

Gallox bridge friends
£250+ per year
Priority booking for Festival tickets
Free Festival Programme and tote bag posted to you prior to the Festival
Invitation to an exclusive Friends’ drinks reception with the Festival Directors and Trustees

Yarn market friends
£500+ per year
Priority booking for Festival Tickets
2 tickets to a concert(s) of your choice
Free Festival Programme and tote bag posted to you prior to the Festival
Invitation to an exclusive Friends’ drinks reception with the Festival Directors and Trustees

Castle friends
£1000+ per year
Priority booking for Festival Tickets
4 tickets to a concert(s) of your choice
Free Festival Programme and tote bag posted to you prior to the Festival
Invitation to an exclusive Friends’ drinks reception with the Festival Directors and Trustees
Dinner with the Festival Directors

Dovecote Friends
Simply volunteering to steward, pour wine or sell CDs at one of our events is enough to make a big difference to us, and of course in return you will get to hear a fantastic concert for free and meet some wonderful people. If you have an evening to spare, please do get in touch.
Do you have a spare room? Run a B&B? We need to accommodate our musicians in or near Dunster over the Festival weekend. If you have a spare room and could house a musician in return for concert tickets, we’d love to hear from you.
Business Partnerships
Our Business Partners play an invaluable role in enabling the Dunster Festival’s year-round programme of outreach and education events, as well as supporting our exciting range of Festival performances. By way of thanks, we can offer a range of benefits in return for your support: the various different levels are detailed below.
Tier one
£250+ per year
A full page advert in the Dunster Festival programme
Acknowledgement (including logo) on the Dunster Festival website and in the Festival programme
Tier two
£500+ per year
A full page inside front or back cover advert in the Dunster Festival programme (subject to availability)
Four tickets to Festival events of your choice
Acknowledgement on the Dunster Festival website and in the Festival programme
Tier three
£1,000+ per year
A full page back cover advert in the Dunster Festival programme (subject to availability)
Six tickets to Festival events of your choice
Acknowledgement on the Dunster Festival website and in the Festival programme
Named sponsorship of an evening concert
Your name/logo on all Festival publicity (circa 400 posters, 10,000 flyers across West Somerset)
For more information, or if you would like to become a Business Partner of the Festival, please contact us.